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3 Steps to Break Free from Your Limiting Beliefs

Writer: Jeannine and DavidJeannine and David

I don’t have time or energy. 

I’m not good enough. 

What would others think of me? 

I’m too old. 

I don’t deserve it. 

Do you have thoughts like these when you consider your dreams? We all do from time to time. 

These thoughts can keep you in a negative state of mind and prevent you from having new experiences or opportunities. They can limit your ability to live your dreams and become who you’re meant to be in the world. 

Many of the limiting beliefs we have are about ourselves. 

Age is a common one. Maybe you think you’re too old to try something new or make a change. 

Or maybe you feel you’re not capable enough. That’s another common one. You think you’re not smart enough or don’t have the skills to pursue your dream. 

Time is another limiting belief. We just don’t have enough time. We’re too busy. 

We might also have limiting beliefs about the world. 

We limit ourselves based on how we feel others will think of us. We worry they may think we’re weird or not very smart. We worry someone might not approve and be disappointed in us. 

What limiting beliefs stop you from pursuing your dreams?

Once you recognize you have limiting beliefs, you’re on the path to breaking free from them! Here are 3 simple steps to get started. 

  1. How is this belief serving you? 

Ask yourself how the belief is serving you. Generally, we hold onto limiting beliefs that developed earlier in our lives to make us feel safe and comfortable. They protect us from the struggle of change and transformation. Maybe you believe you don’t deserve to follow your dreams, you’re not worthy. If you think this is true, then you don’t have to worry about trying something new and the learning curve that goes with this. You feel comfortable and safe in the known and just believing that life isn’t fair that others get to follow their dreams but not you. 

  1. What if I’m wrong?

You can see a limiting belief in a new light as soon as you consider that it might not be true. But what if you are worthy? What if you do deserve to follow your dream? Think you’re too old. What if you’re wrong? Think you’re not skilled enough. What if you’re wrong? Question your own beliefs and consider new viewpoints. 

  1. What is another possibility? 

As soon as you open the door to thinking you might be wrong, you can consider new possibilities. Maybe it’s true that you’re older, but what would happen if you started this week? Think of the number of people who have had amazing accomplishments after age 60. Maybe it’s true that you don’t have all the skills you need to follow your dream. But what if you started to learn the skills you need. Consider how far you’d get in a month, in a year. Then you’ll be on the path to realizing your dream! Think of how you could realize the dream you have. 

Take these 3 steps to change your limiting beliefs into empowering ones to realize your dreams. You can start today! 

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