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How Gratitude Can Give You a Boost

Writer: Jeannine and DavidJeannine and David

Think of someone who is important in your life. Someone you greatly appreciate. A friend, a relative, a loved one.

Think back to the moment that this person came into your life and how your life changed as a result. What are some of the gifts this person has brought to you in your life?

Now imagine that this person never came into your life. How would your life be different today? What would you have missed out on?

Take a moment and feel gratitude in your heart center for this person in your life. Maybe even call or text this person to let them know how grateful you are!

Now, think of a second person who’s important to you. Consider the same questions.

Think back to the moment that this person came into your life and how your life changed as a result. What are the gifts that this person brought to you?

Imagine this person never came into your life. How would your life be different today? What would you not have in your life?

Take a moment and feel gratitude for this one in your life too.

We’re blessed with so many people that make a difference in our lives! They support and help us, more than we often realize.

We (David and Jeannine) are so grateful for the many people who have supported us in creating the Good&Sharp Studios. There are so many! We’re grateful for our extraordinary contractor Miles. We love his kindness and commitment to our project. We are grateful for the two main stoneworkers, Kevin and Juan, who tirelessly put up over 1500 stones on the walls of our North Building. We are grateful for our two interior designers, Troy and Lizzie. They got to know our tastes and found the perfect furnishing for all three of the buildings of the Good&Sharp Studios. And finally, we would be amiss if we didn’t mention how grateful we are for our two architects JV and Gerard. We so appreciate their creative imagination and artistic brilliance.

When we practice gratefulness for the people in our lives, we become more aware of how we relate to others. It can open our hearts, facilitate a strong connection with others, and help dissolve struggles we might be experiencing in a relationship. Our compassion and empathy are awakened.

“When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect towards others.”

Dalai Lama

Feeling grateful for those who are in our lives not only helps us to feel more deeply connected to them, but it can strengthen us too. It can give us a boost that makes us feel that we’re capable of taking on any challenges that we may encounter.

It also takes the attention from ourselves and helps us see that our growth and success are due, in part, by the actions of others who have supported us on our path.

When we become more aware of this, the next time we need a little help, we are more likely to ask for it. We realize how connected we are with others.

We also realize there are aspects of these connections with others that we may never fully know. A person who is helping you may also be receiving something in return. Maybe that person is discovering their own creative talents while they’re helping you with a project. Maybe they’re receiving a much-needed break from a busy day and benefiting from a social conversation with you. Maybe as they’re helping you, they’re inspired by something you’ve done and decide to make a shift in their own lives that’s healthier. We never know the full depth of how our connections affect each other.

In the wise words of St. Francis, “It is in giving that we receive.”

People who focus on gratitude typically experience a greater emotional well-being and physical health than those who don’t, according to recent studies on the effects of gratitude. Those who practiced gratitude…

  • experienced greater levels of joy and happiness

  • felt optimistic about the future

  • had more energy, enthusiasm, determination, and focus

  • made greater progress toward achieving important personal goals

  • felt stronger during trying times

  • were more likely to help others and offer emotional support

  • experienced fewer symptoms of stress

It’s clearly beneficial to cultivate a practice of gratitude! The deeper our appreciation, the more we shine our radiant light of our higher self and see it within others too.

If you would like to connect with a group of spiritual and creative people, we invite you to join us for our upcoming in-person Live Your Dreams Retreat on September 29th through October 1st. We still have two spots left! So come and join us! Find out more HERE.


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